sedentary lifestyle recently due to working style.
I can manage out some time to do aerobic!
I suppose to do a few times in a week.
I have set this goal.
People nowadays used to like to stay in house,lying in the internet.
But as time goes, your body is hardened and hardened,your brain is stucked.
Don't you find it serious to your life?
To not be rejected, people are lazy to do sport and have supposed doing sport will gain lethargy.
It is totally a wrong concept!
when you do sport and practice, your body just will be energetic.
Sitting whole day is not the kind I like.
So, I did aerobic today.
oh my god! the feeling of sweating out is damn awesome.
Please shake your body and start to love aerobic from now on!
you will find that it is not a hard matter to do exercise.
you will not have any excuse since doing aerobic can be indoor activity.
ps: I like to do aerobic practice!