Day 7 Appreciation

1. Thanks God that I did not miss the lecture class today though I woke up on 6.30am which is not as usual.
2. Thanks God that I dreamt of a member, Danny's soul status which can reflect my recent situation.  the Lord has made me see how hilarious we can do the mission about life. Perhaps, guiding new lifes fervently these days is related with the dream.
3. Thanks God that I can meet up with Chiew Lian which we have not met so long, and we chat a lot for hours. Thanks Lord. Because of my prayer and Your condition, she joined the Wed service after a long time. Feel blessed during the management. ^^

Actually I have planned to swim this evening, but instead, I use the time to catch up with sister. It is really worth it.

In former 3 days, I have missed to tag 3 people for each day. So today, I would compensate by tagging 12 people . haha~

Day 4&5&6 appreciation

Day 4
我miss了星期天(140921)Day 4 感谢故事。

1. 感谢一早起来听到宝贵并期待的话语《特质与才干》。
2. 感谢我能因今天的功课而确实了解 现在的自己 最需要在 “主管环境”进步 来达成空提300.
3. 感谢祂透过yeeleng的梦告诉我非常重要的话。
最宝贵的那句话 ”我无法照顾你,所以赐下XXX给你。”

Day5  (9/22)

Day 6 (9/23)
3.感谢今天考完psy205 midterm都不会像以前太在意。

Day 3 Appreciation

9/20 Sat



2.感谢神今天临时有个和牧师的温馨聚餐。透过主所使用的人 学习到很多要具备的事。


今天的幸运儿是:我的A-level junior LiHua&家妤、ex-roomate姐妹Jasmine

Day 2 appreciation

9/19 Fri

1. Thanks God that I've received 2 precious letters which have gotten me encouraged and relieved. I can feel the Lord strongly.

2. I feel grateful that my precious time was not wasted much.
 It is because today whole afternoon LRT was facing technical problem and kept delaying moving forward .However, I didn't face long delay when I took the lrt to and back from Bangsar.

3. Thanks that I could have a short but hilarious lunch (delicious!) with my coursemates in the "jom makan" restaurant.

today, I'd like to tag my fellows studying in HELP -Carmen Chew,  Florence, Chiew Lian, Rima Chan, JR dee, Daniel lee jia sheng

Day 1 appreciation

最近在facebook流行 每日感谢三项。



9/18 Thu
1. 感谢我今天也能呼吸并生活在圣三位和主的怀抱里
2. 感谢我能学习,累却充实。
3. 感谢我的三姐虽然放在jb家的钱被偷了,但是她平安活着。

接下来tag我的三姐、两个都是读心理学的学妹(虽然不同校但同系)诗瑶、sing wen。


When the baked beans in tomato sauce encounter with ramen, what is going to come out?

Ta da!!! It's spaghetti XD

Haha! sorry if it looks dirty .

It delivered a message to me.
In life, we know 1+1=2.
Meanwhile, there are still many alternatives to get the same answer.

Millionnaire & Backpacker

This is a numerous-years-ago board game called "millionnaire" which had been popular in the post 90's generation.

Last Saturday, when my roomate cleaned her table and book rack, she found out her board game set and asked us to play together.

Well, we four people reminisced because this game had accompanied our childhood. Ummm...

Playing this game and compared to the time we played this game when we were young kid, the feeling is much just different and special.

Though I am 20s, I still can remember those times I played this game, I was keen not to "waste" my money and not to lose anything.

However, this time, I really didn't care about the "money" I owned. My mindset changed. And lately, I just realized that I just left approximately $100 on my hand and was unable to pay the other when I was reaching the place any of them bought( this is the rule of the board game.)

The main realization I have obtained while playing "millionnaire" is no matter how do we invest in this physical world, the cycle and limit is just there. Nothing is eternal in this physical world and we are actually backpacker of life since we have bornt.

I truly appreciated because I have learnt how a bigger and much more valuable world which each of us deserve to know from The Great One.

Continue the story of "millionnaire", I had a strong feeling like "I" was seeing the Earth from my eyesights and the "I" actually represents "The Creator". He is desperately waiting for 137 million years just because He believes each of us is worth for Him to wait and wait. It is the irreplaceable love when you understand Him. Even human love cannot pass across this essential love of truth. 

Like human, even you have a fellow who is supposed the most patient one, he ir she still would freak out finally. No one likes to wait, so does Him. 

No much time for you to hanging around in this world, or to jailing yourself on the dark road of life.

No matter you are 10s, 20s, 30s...
the clock is countdown-ing.
No much time anymore.

Where is the bright truth path ?
A question in you , always and always.


他叫 短暂。
而是人到了某个阶段 就有某个风景,连心境都有不断更新的风景。


这分离不是悲伤的 ,真的。


短暂 寓意为当下。
他让人 有时来不及回过神
所以说 当下很可怕。

