What is 'spirit'?

Yesterday, I went back to my previous college.
I have known 3 new friends.
They do not know each other, but they share a belief : Humans have spirit.

They had thought of this since young but since they couldn't find the answer, so they leave the question away.
As such,  havn't you ever thought of  "what is spirit"?
I bet most of the people do , but are not able to find out the real answer.

Yes, we have our own spirit .
So, I shared them each about body , soul and spirit.
It is not to show my intelligence or boast, but I met the mentor who reveals the secret of spirit.
If you want to know more about your real spirit, you can only seek from the only one. Comment down this post to look for more.

I'd like to emphasize:
You have a forever spirit and your body is temporary.

Yes,you should not choose to believe it or not. Yet, it is a fact.


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